Weeknote 0022

  • Had a short working week. Managed to do some research, drafted a few slides, and went down a rabbit-hole in psychology.
  • Succession concluded. I’m so glad I got into that show early on. It had all the makings of a Mad Men-esque tragedy and it didn’t disappoint. It’s interesting to me how the conclusion subtly rewrote my understanding of the whole thing. I decided to rewatch it with the end in mind - not so much ‘what’s going to happen?’ but ‘what might have gone differently?’ Of course, that’s what’s been going on in the writers’ room these last five years.
  • Okay so, Japan. Travelled down to Heathrow on Thursday evening, stayed in an airport hotel which wasn’t as bad as I’d imagined: still the better option than flying from my local airport and changing at a different hub.
  • Got into the air on Friday morning, in the direction of a transfer at Hong Kong. Aeroplane Wi-Fi makes sense on journeys at this distance and the coverage and pricing are better than I remember.
  • Arrived late into HKG, so the airline had already put down seats on a later flight. HKG itself was more of a faff than I expected, and there was no lounge availability for a bit of comfort. Mercifully, the back of the plane was fairly empty, so I could catch a couple of hours’ kip. Even so, I arrived at Narita as a carbon-based life-form devoid of a body-clock.