Weeknote 0021

It's a photo of Mo, giggling

  • Recently we held a couple of filming days for Lumino and I showed up for one of them, mostly for the free food. Amy is an extraordinary photographer and was in attendance. She took many great pictures, of which this is one. I’m giggling at something Jess is saying. What a great team we have.
  • One of the embuggerances of home rental is the things you’re contractually-obliged to do are usually completely unsupported by the landlord.
    • I’m required to keep the garden in good order. But no tools are provided to maintain it, nor is anywhere to store any of my own, plus the same lease forbids putting up a shed.
    • I have to cut the grass, even though there’s no mower and no bin for the council to collect the cuttings, and no way of composting them. So neither easy nor rewarding. Not a lawn; just an uneven patch of clumpy yellowing grass and thistles.
    • So, my ever-supportive mother-in-law dutifully comes round to drop off her mower, strimmer and rake. She then returns once the grass is cut to collect the tools and, bless her, black bags of cuttings to put in her own green waste bin. Not all heroes wear capes.
    • Imagine my horror as my mother-in-law’s electric strimmer, that she had lent and even brought round out of the goodness of her heart, caught fire. Briefly I considered attempting to repair it but, as the blue smoke creeped out of its little electric motor, I thought I’d give it a minute. I used that minute to check the price of a replacing it, and ordering a replacement. Would she notice the difference? Well yes, because I bought a better one. A German one.
  • Moths have arrived. Many, many moths. Millie is slowly but violently dispatching them.
  • Lovely week, weather-wise. I spent half of it in Bristol. Best bowl of noodles I’ve ever had in the UK. This is a teachable moment: if someone suggests a meal, let them order first and then say ‘same again, please’.